Easy And Delicious Vegan Meals

When traveling, finding great gluten-free and vegetarian snacks can be a challenge. If you want to eat healthily and save money on the go, a little preparation is a trick.

Traveling has the advantage that you can pack up and find lots of groceries. You can also pack a variety of fresh, perishable fruits and vegetables, as well as high-protein snacks and bars, along with some sugary treats. If you want to learn more about vegan food, you can contact a Vegan Travel Agency.

Here are four delicious options for a vegan or vegetarian snack on the go.

Fresh fruit: Bananas and apples are also great travel options. If you choose dried fruit, be sure to choose the unsweetened variety and watch the portion size.

Best fruit for travel:

  • Apple

  • Banana

  • Cherry

Hummus and Vegetables: You can bring some of your favorite vegetables cut into smaller slices or sticks (carrots/celery, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). Bring a small bowl of hummus or your favorite dip, or just eat it fresh.

Pre-Packed Sandwiches: Who doesn't love a big, healthy sandwich on fresh bread? It is one of the best sedatives.

Homemade Dark Chocolate: No trip would be complete without a little chocolate! You can make homemade chocolate and vegan truffles and if you keep them in the fridge, they'll be a lot of fun to take on the go!

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