Men’s Fashion : A Man’s Guide On Wearing Socks

If you want to be taken seriously, you have to dress up the part. You must pay attention to every little detail, as they can make or break your entire wardrobe. Socks, probably one of the most neglected items of clothing, actually can reduce a man's respectability to zero if misused. 

So to keep yourself from being silly about bad sock choices, here is a quick point on how a real man chooses and wears socks. To buy the best socks for men, you may check this website

1. Dress shoes guarantee the use of dress socks

Even if your sports socks are black, you should never wear them with classy dress shoes. Sports socks have thick, fluffy fabric so they don't match the sleek, classy look of dress shoes. If you try to wear your gym stockings with dress shoes, you will find that they huddle on the sides and top of the shoes, which looks a bit silly.

2. Your socks must match your pants, not shoes

Many people are confused with this rule, many people still think that the socks should match the color of the shoes, which is wrong. If you have socks that don't match your pants, it creates a break in the color line that breaks the flow of your entire outfit.

3. Do not wear stockings when wearing sandals or shorts

The sandals are designed to be worn only with bare feet, you will only look silly if you wear socks with your sandals, so don't even bother.

Socks with shorts will only make your legs look squat. If you need to wear socks with your shorts, invest in a good pair of socks that are not as visible on your shoes.



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