Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Super Screen Installation for Beginners

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to install super screen for beginners. Super screens are a great addition to any home, providing durability, strength, and pet resistance. Follow these simple steps to successfully install super screen on your own.

Materials You'll Need

Before you begin the installation process, make sure you have the following materials:

  • Super screen roll
  • Spline roller
  • Spline tool
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Screen frame or window frame

Step 1: Measure and Cut the Super Screen

Follow these steps to measure and cut the super screen to the appropriate size:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the area you want to cover with the super screen.
  2. Add a few inches to each side of the measurements to ensure the screen will completely cover the area.
  3. Roll out the super screen and use scissors or a utility knife to cut it to the appropriate size.

Step 2: Install the Super Screen

Now it's time to install the super screen onto the frame:

  1. Place the super screen over the frame, ensuring it overlaps on all sides.
  2. Starting at one corner, use the spline tool to push the spline into the frame groove, securing the screen in place.
  3. Continue to work your way around the frame, using the spline roller to ensure the screen is tightly secured.
  4. Trim any excess super screen with scissors or a utility knife.

Step 3: Secure the Super Screen

After installing the super screen, make sure it is securely in place:

  • Check that the screen is evenly stretched and taut across the frame.
  • Press down on the spline with the spline roller to ensure it is properly seated in the groove.
  • Inspect the edges of the screen to verify there are no wrinkles or sags.

Step 4: Reinstall the Screen

If you removed an existing screen to install the super screen, follow these steps to reinstall it:

  1. Place the original screen back onto the frame, ensuring it is in the correct position.
  2. Use the spline tool to secure the original screen in place by reinserting the spline into the groove.
  3. Trim any excess spline or screen material with scissors or a utility knife.

Step 5: Test the Super Screen

Finally, test the super screen to make sure it is properly installed:

  • Gently push on the screen to check for any give or looseness.
  • Inspect the screen for any tears, holes, or damage.
  • Open and close any windows or doors with the super screen to ensure it operates smoothly.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed super screen on your own. By following this step-by-step guide, even beginners can tackle this DIY project with ease. Super screen provides a durable and long-lasting solution for your home, offering protection from pets, UV rays, and the elements. Enjoy the benefits of your newly installed super screen and feel proud of your accomplishment!

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